Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I am employed twice over, at Caribou Coffee (yummy shift drinks!) and the local school district for which I am an afterschool educational aide. That sounds piddly, but I'll basically be designing and running my own program, so that's exciting. I've been able to shadow some other afterschool programs, and do some tutoring, which excited me to no end. Huzzah education!
Caribou has been interesting and hard. I am not a business minded person - my first thought is not "How can I take money from you while looking like I just want to get you good coffee?" Rather, my thought is, "How can I make your day better?" (which, ironically is Caribou's motto). Today was the first day I worked the coffe making bar, and it was fun! It demystified the whole process, and now I want an espresso maker for Christmas, because I'd rock that. Drinks are basically formulas, so many shots, so much milk, this many chocolate coffee beans (I jitter evertime I scoop up a batch!). It's hard though - I'm not a great "rememberer" of details, and customer service is full of the nit pickety details ("I said SOY decaf extra hot no foam lite whip two shot espresso in a large cup, NOT skim decaf extra hot no foam lite whip two shot espresso in a large cup.").
I had an interview recently with a large Cleveland university for a position as Study Abroad Specialist (re: Assistant). That was a couple of weeks ago, and I blew $45 making portfolios for the darned interview. I've emailed the people who interviewed me once, last week, asking for an update - no response. To be fair to the process, it did take them two months from the receipt of my original resume to get me in for an interview. Le sigh.
The Smith-Marsh nuptial was a hoot-blast-awesome event. I saw KELS! I hadn't seen her in two years, but, darn it, if we didn't fall back into bicker/love. I missed my Kels. And I got to travel 8 hours in a car with some of my favorite people, including roommate 1, housemate 2, and housemate girlfriend 3. Good times and strange animal noises emanated from that vehicle. How many times can Caitlin yell, "HEY COWS!" Several ...
posted by Graceful Peaceful German Fischer at 6:11 PM | Permalink |
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